Awareness creates change, acceptance builds your future

Here to help you understand and empower yourself
A bespoke service that supports all your emotional and psychological needs

Why choose me?

I am here to support you to develop your emotional, spiritual, psychological and physical wellbeing to help you maximise your ability to be successful in your goal.

The goal can be general or specific, nevertheless I will help you to understand the goal you have, refine it and then work with tangible actual steps to help you meet your goal.

Whether that goal is to secure a dream job where interview nerves or stress get the better of you.

Or if it is struggles in a relationship with a partner or family member. Are you feeling misunderstood or unheard and this makes you angry?

Or if you are struggling with health issues and you feel you are a stressful and anxious person.

I will develop your understanding of how physical health correlates to your emotional health. This includes learning about how the nervous system works when you are feeling stressed and what impact this has on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing. We will discover what stressful factors are amplifying your stress and then create a target to focus on reducing this stress over a period of time.

I will help you focus on your attachment style, help you to understand what needs you have in any relationship and then develop strategies to help you manage your anger. I will also provide you with effective communication tools to help you feel understood and heard.

I will help you focus on what is causing you to feel stressed or nervous in the first place. Whether this is a lack of self-belief, or you simply don’t feel good enough for the role. I will help you to recognise that unsettling feeling in the moment and thereafter equip you with the skills to control it during the interview. Ultimately, this will help you to calm your nerves and provide the best answers to the interview questions.

We will work together and create a roadmap that evidently maps each step towards your goal and then work towards achieving this, step by step. Don’t worry if you do not have a goal. I offer a free consultation where we will assess the various aspects of your life using a proven psychological framework to help me understand your needs and the areas of your life that contribute to the troubles you are currently experiencing.

""Talha has shown evidence that he can think creatively and is able to consider client's difficulties and viewpoints from a wide viewpoint, framing client issues in a holistic sense, including cultural and psychosocial factors. He has been able to think of solutions and approaches to client issues in a person centred manner, using trauma and attachment focussed approach when appropriate. Talha has used his creative thinking to provide effective 1:1 therapy sessions, based on their psychological knowledge, training and previous experience with clients, to provide effective, person centred and evidence-based therapy. This has enabled often 'difficult to reach' clients to experience improved mental health. Talha has demonstrated creative thinking via 1:1 planning and completion of therapeutic sessions with clients in our service (looked after young people with mental health, neuro-divergent needs and behavioural issues). Our clients have appreciated and responded well to this creative approach. Many of our clients will not engage with more traditional methods of formal therapy, which Talha has overcome via application of their creative yet evidence￾based ideas. Talha has also demonstrated excellent creative thinking. He is able to support staff to find solutions to managing challenging behaviour, and was able to formulate creative behaviour management strategies, documented in behaviour support plans. This promoted person centred, psychologically informed practice""

Barbara, Therapist